Arvid Alvin

Quality technician

Arvid guarantees product quality

Arvid Alvin is a quality engineer and takes care of the final stage of production – making sure that the finished product is perfect enough to be passed on to the customer.

Arvid Alvin has worked at Ljunghäll for over 15 years, and spent most of that time as a lathe turner. A few years ago, he felt that it was time to try something new. Then an opening came along for a quality engineer, and Arvid Alvin took a chance and applied for the job.

“By now I’ve worked as a quality engineer for 1.5 years, and yet I still learn new things all the time.”

Arvid and his colleagues are responsible for the final check of the parts produced by Ljunghäll; they constitute the last link in the company’s production chain. It is important to be meticulous and to have a sense of what is and is not acceptable. Such intuition requires experience, and sometimes Arvid has to ask his older colleagues for advice.

“We also have an ongoing dialogue with the operators,” says Arvid.

What’s the best thing about your job?

“It’s challenging, and you never really know what’s going to happen in the course of your workday. And I also get along great with my colleagues.”

How did you end up at Ljunghäll?

“My father had been working here for many years, and worked in the department to which I now belong. In school, I apprenticed here as part of a work experience program. I enrolled in the industry program at my high school, and in 2002 I was hired as a temp in the machine tooling department.

Did you know that...

...Arvid Alvin (just like 11 other Ljunghäll employees) is a part-time firefighter in Södra Vi. He is also a soccer coach, and has three children (ages 10, 8, and 5).  

Quality engineer

A high school-level industrial engineering program is a good background, and can be supplemented with further education at a vocational college.  

Arvid Alvin

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